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Strategy One
Transform Pearl Street into "Avenue of the Arts"
“The Avenue to the Arts will reinterpret Pearl Street as a unifying connection across multiple neighborhoods. With a unique character consistent along its entire length, it will signify to users that the street serves a special purpose in uniting Downtown via the arts”

Broad Goals for Pearl Street
​Wide, accessible sidewalks that balance pedestrian safety, environmental health, and support a mix of commercial and institutional uses.
Traffic calming that reduces the risk of harm at street crossings and improves pedestrian comfort
Development control that encourages sunlight to support a well shaded environment and a unique low scale feeling.
Public Art that engages and entices visitors to the Dallas Arts District.

Street Trees and Shade
Recommended Species
Cedar Elm
Live Oak
Red Maple
Placement and density of tree cover:
Single row of trees lining each side of the street.
Max distance 25 feet
Minimum growth diameter is 30 feet at maturity
Underground utility requirements:
- 600 cubic feet of soil minimum for each tree
- Minimum of 3 feet depth
- Underground irrigation required
- Open plant beds or supported paving structures (Silva Cell)
Minimum widths:
- 8 feet minimum widths between obstructions for primary pedestrian paths
Approved materials:
- Exposed aggregate concrete paving, broom finished concrete paving or concrete unit pavers required with ADA compliant surfaces
- Asphalt block pavers @ crosswalks edged with concrete edging bands
- Existing granite pavers will be removed and repurposed
Engineering Requirements:
- Maximum allowed cross slopes of 2%
- Recommended porous pavers in non-walking areas with suitable substrate for absorption of rain water
Placement, spacing, and heights:
- Pedestrian lighting added to existing poles at lower level (+12’) see illustration
Approved Poles and Fixtures:
- Match existing poles white piles; replace or add new fixtures as needed to meet requirements
Lamping requirements:
- Retrofit existing HID light fixtures with new energy saving LED fixtures
Street Furniture:
Approved public seating:
- Landscape Forms selections TBD or equal
Approved trash receptacles:
- Landscape Forms selections TBD or equal
Private Outdoor Seating:
- Moveable outdoor seating for restaurant use
- Painted steel or aluminum posts with painted perforated aluminum panels or IPE wood slatesto add your own text and edit me. It's easy.